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Historic Annapolis

A Hand-Colored Copper Plate Etching
Image Size 11.5" x 8.25";Paper Size 15.5" x 10.75"

Signed, Limited Edition: $490
Artist's Proofs: $690


Historic Annapolis

Historic Annapolis is a rare and personal work of art. It is actually a mixed media "original" that blends copper plate etching and traditional watercolors. Each image is first printed on the finest quality German etching paper on an antique press. The prints are then individually rendered by the artist using a combination of transparent and semi-opaque watercolors.

Because of this unique and extremely labor intensive process, the size of this edition is limited to just 60 impressions. Additionally, there are five Artist's Proofs available. These represent the images pulled from the very first prints reviewed and edited by the printmaker and the artist.


Signed, Limited Edition: $490  
Artist's Proof: $690